Pressemeddelelse: Info om Corona Covid-19 virus samt behandlingsprotokol
Erik Olsen, formand i Vaccinations Forum. Sendt til sundhedsstyrelsen samt danske presse.
Pressemeddelelse: Info om Corona Covid-19 virus samt behandlingsprotokol
Foreningen VaccinationsForum vil gerne delagtiggøre pressen, videnskabsfolk samt læger og lægfolk i en god nyhed, som efter vores vurdering vil tjene befolkningen og samfundet bedst, og som vil kunne bidrage til et mere nuanceret helhedsbillede af truslen fra coronavirus og hermed danne grundlag for en mere nøgtern behandling af de syge.
Nyheden er den franske professor Didier Raoults officielle erklæring om, at coronavirus er nemt at behandle med allerede-eksisterende medicin. Erklæringen kommer på en video, som er henvist til nederst. Videoen stammer fra den officielle hjemmeside af IHU Mediterranée-Infection i Marseille i Frankrig.
Professor Didier Raoult er Europas mest udgivne videnskabsmand inden for infektionssygdomme.
Han har opdaget over 60 nye vira og har mere end 2000 offentliggjorte artikler. Tidsskriftet 'Nature' har udnævnt ham til at være en af de 10 bedste forskere i Frankrig, og Stanley Plotkin citerer ham regelmæssigt.
IHU anses som et af verdens 'bedste' infektionssygdomscentre. Hospitalets afdeling for infektionssygdomme er tæt knyttet til universitetsforskningscentre og udrustet med de mest avancerede testteknologier.
Professorens erklæring er oversat til engelsk, og vi viderebringer den nedenfor.
Vi håber hermed, at dette kan danne grundlag for og hjælpe til anvendelsen af en effektiv
behandlingsprotokol her i landet.
Emne: High importance 'Coronavirus easy to treat with existing drug' from world top infectious disease center
Here is an official declaration of the French Prof. Didier Raoult, leading a world-class hospital and
research lab specialized in infectious diseases.
'Coronavirus: Game over'
Prof. Didier Raoult officially announces that the Coronavirus can easily be treated with an existing drug. Confirmed by Chinese scientists.
Translation of his announcement:
"Well, here is a last-minute scoop, a piece of very important news. The Chinese, who are the fastest and who are very pragmatic...instead of looking to develop a new vaccine or a new molecule that could treat the coronavirus, they did what we call 'repositioning', meaning they tested old molecules that are known and have been used in the past without showing toxic effects to see if they could use some to treat the new coronavirus. They tested them for their new virus and found that -just as it was found and forgotten - for the SARS virus, Cloriquine is active in vitro.
I had been interviewed by Chinese television. I had been asked what advice I would give to the Chinese and what I was expecting from them, as I think they have the best virologists teams in the world. I had told them 'I hope that your researchers will be very fast to prove the efficacy of Cloroquine on Coronaviruses. And now it's done! It's efficient on the
Coronavirus. 500mg of Cloroquine per day during 10 days brings a spectacular improvement and is recommended for all clinical cases that tested positive for Coronaviruses. It's an excellent news. Actually, from all respiratory infections, it's probably the easiest to treat. So there is really no reason to get excited. There is really no reason to get excited and rush to
produce a vaccine. One just needs to work and look at which licensed molecules are potentially active and can be of immediate use...Now at this stage, of course, there soon could be a rush for Cloroquine in pharmacies".